All passengers and their baggage (incl. checked baggage) will go through security control. We recommend that you place all items prohibited from being carried in hand baggage in your checked baggage.

Explosive and incendiary substances and devices as well as devices that can be used to cause serious injury or to threaten the security of the aircraft, including ammunition, detonators, mines, grenades and other explosive military stores, pyrotechnics, smoke bombs and cartridges, and replicas of explosive devices, are prohibited from being carried in checked baggage.

Checked baggage will be carried in the aircraft’s cargo hold. When packing your bags before travelling, we recommend that you pay attention to the following:

  • Pack your own bags!
  • Do not accept any items or objects for delivery from any strangers even if you sincerely want to help!
  • Determine the contents and composition of the items you pack to ensure that these do not contain prohibited items or substances!
  • Never leave your baggage unattended!
